
Finalists Namelist:  https://bit.ly/2JdfwVR


Let's produce videos to embrace life and prevent suicide from bottom-up.



  • 26thMay 2019 (Sunday) 23:59 --- Deadline of Submission
  • 26thJune 2019 (Wednesday) 23:59 --- Deadline of Online Referendum
  • 27th June 2019 (Thursday) 23:59 ---  Announcement of Final Top 3 in each category
  • 6th July 2019 (Saturday) 14:00-17:30 --- 【Lifetube Talk】Final Competition cum Prizing Ceremony



- Primary School(Newly-added)*, Secondary School*, University* and The Public



- Champion of Primary School category can receive HKD $5,000 Cash, Trophy and Certificate.  (Newly-added)

- Champion of Secondary School category can receive HKD $10,000 Cash, Trophy and Certificate.

- Champion of University category can receive HKD $10,000 Cash, Trophy and Certificate.

- Champion of The Public category can receive HKD $10,000 Cash, Trophy and Certificate.

- The Finalists can receive Lifetube Souvenir, Trophy and Certificate. 

- *Schools with most entrants can receive "The Most Supportive School Award"


Entry Requirements

  • Content: Life Education
  • Length:   ≦ 6 minutes
  • Category: No restriction
  • Format: No restriction
  • Number of submissions: No restriction


Competition Detailshttps://lifetube.hk/#new-photo (【"Save Our Own Lives • Produce Our Own Education" Collage Video Competition】)


Online Referendum Procedure (Extended Deadline: 26th June 2019 (Wednesday) 23:59) 
1. Register as a member on Lifetube (https://lifetube.hk), an Online Life Education • Resource Sharing Platform. 
2. Vote for The Best Life Educational Video in each category (Primary School, Secondary School, University, and The Public), a total of 4 votes.
(Press the Vote Icon on the bottom right of each entrant. When the Vote Icon turns from white to black, it indicates a successful vote.) 
Please be aware of the items below for Lifetube membership registration: 
- School and Organization Members can only be registered with a valid domain name, e.g. @sbhk.org.hk, @hku.hk; other emails please register as Individual Member.
- Facebook account registering as Lifetube members does NOT require any Lifetube password for log-in, but the Facebook password for a direct log-in.  
- A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the registered member. If not, please check Junk Mail or email lifetube@sbhk.org.hk directly for inquiry.)  


Application and Submission (Extended Deadline: 26th May 2019 (Sunday) 23:59)  (All late submissions can still be displayed on Lifetube platform, but will be disqualified from the competition.)

1. Upload your video on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/)

2. Register as a member on Lifetube* (https://lifetube.hk) (School and Organization Members can only be registered with a valid domain name, e.g. @sbhk.org.hk, @hku.hk; other emails please register as Individual Member.)

3. After Logging-in the Membership Page, press the “Enter the Race” button on the right top corner 

4. Attach the Youtube link onto Lifetube for new entrant upload

5. Fill in Title of the Video, Description, and Entrant(and teammates)’s Basic Information 

 *Lifetube is The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong's newly launched, Cross-Institutional, Online Life Education • Resource Sharing Platform. 



Enqueries: 2319 1269 / 5332 5987 或 lifetube@sbhk.org.hk。


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