Online Referendum 【Collage Video Competition】


Finalists Namelist:


Guard The Youth, We Are Obliged.


Online Voting --- 【Collage Video Competition】

Take one more step to care and support the youth,

Demonstrate one more time the substantial Life Education.


【"Save Our Own Lives • Produce Our Own Education" Collage Video Competition 】

> 100 Entrants, Embracing Life • Preventing Suicide;    

> 500 Youths, Exercising a bottom-up Life Education.


Online Voting Procedure (Deadline: 26th June 2019 (Wednesday) 23:59:

1. Register as a member on Lifetube (, an Online Life Education • Resource Sharing Platform.

2. Vote for The Best Life Educational Video in each category (Primary School, Secondary School, University, and The Public), a total of 4 votes.

(Press the Vote Icon on the bottom right of each entrant. When the Vote Icon turns from white to black, it indicates a successful vote.) 


Please be aware of the items below for Lifetube membership registration: 

- School and Organization Members can only be registered with a valid domain name, e.g.,; other emails please register as Individual Member.

- Facebook account registering as Lifetube members does NOT require any Lifetube password for log-in, but the Facebook password for a direct log-in.  

- A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the registered member. If not, please check Junk Mail or email directly for inquiry.) 


【"Save Our Own Lives • Produce Our Own Education" Collage Video Competition 】

- Competition Entrants:   
- Online Voting Trailer:
- Competition Details:



  • 26th May 2019 (Sunday) 23:59 --- Deadline of Submission 
  • 26th June 2019 (Wednesday) 23:59 --- Deadline of Online Voting
  • 27th June 2019 (Thursday) 23:59 ---  Announcement of Final Top 3 in each category
  • 6th July 2019 (Saturday) 14:00-17:30 --- 【Lifetube Talk】Final Competition cum Prizing Ceremony (Seat Reservation: )


For Enquires, please contact 2319 1269 / 5332 5987 or

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